Here in this Holy surrender, at the altar on the cross:

                      To a place where one’s life comes alive.

                      The very place least sought: hardly found, a road less

                      Traveled.  This comes together in Holy Communion.

                      A taste so sweet, in the tenderness of His bosom.

                      held tightly in the ecstasy of revelation and enlightenment.

                      Forever reaching those outstretched; nail-pierced hands.

                      Beckoning to the cross, at the cross, on the cross. 

                     All that's lost, at a cost. The cross!..

                      The Son (sun’s)ray: presence eclipse as the spirit comes 

                      down, over the shadows of doubt (death).

                      From the darkness of her moon, passing clouds escape,

                      winning the victory over an attempt to question the 

                      authenticity of our legitimacy; through the risen King

                      Of Majesty. Which causes the flesh/serpent to release.

                      The venom that turns into the ultimate blessedness of access

                      To your throne room and say, Holy! Holy! Are you Lord?

                      Our overcoming before you; this blessing in disguise.

                      Overwhelmed by freedom as everything else washed,

                      away, peace an anchor takes over the heart.

                      Everything changes through resurrection. Oh, how He?

                      Love you. No better place to be than here in your love.

                      More of you! Less of me, all of you! None of me.

                      This fire in the soul is uncontained and flows uncontrolled.

                      Your consolation now embraces and drenched in.

                      Humility. This is an anomaly, like the blood that flows.



                      Here in your presence is where you want us to be

                      where restoration: see you do it again.

                     The wounded, healed, and made whole:

                     Rejected, excepted as your own;

                     I’ve seen you do it. All over again.

                     Chasen, and disciple by His unfailing love.

                     Broken ego, self disappear in your presence,

                     sweetly broken, now only the light of your 

                     grace reigns sufficient overall existence.

                     By the way of the cross, sweetly broken;

                     Holy surrender. Love won’t let us down.



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